Why Do Doctors Know So Little About Food
I am a doctor and everything I know about food that is worth knowing, I learnt somewhere other than medical school. We learn so much in medical school, much of it bizarre and obscure and rarely used in real life. But when it comes to food, which we ingest every day,... read more
Alkalize Your Body for Health and Ideal Weight
If you are suffering from disease or weight problems, your body is probably overly acidic. When you alkalize your body through proper eating and healthy living, you can overcome disease and reach your ideal body weight. One of the most obvious signs of acidity is... read more
Apples for Weight Loss?
Research shows apples provide many health benefits, such as reducing the risk of diabetes. But can eating apples also help you lose weight, or are they fattening? This article explores the effects apples have on your weight, backed by scientific research. Apples Have... read more
Dehydration Causes Weight Gain
If you’re carrying more weight than you want to and nothing seems to help you drop the kg, it’s possible the reason is something very simple you haven’t considered. There’s new research that suggests dehydration could be causing our epidemic of obesity. Dehydration is... read more