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Whooping Cough Vaccination.

Whooping Cough Vaccination.

In early December 1989 I was living with my family in Hobart, Tasmania. My two sons and I went in to see my GP for my youngest son’s 18 month medical checkup.   The doctor coerced me under duress (basically alluded that I was being a negligent mother if I... read more


The following is information regarding Dr Graveline’s experience with Lipitor (statin medication), prescribed for elevated cholesterol. More information from his  published books on this topic can be found on Amazon.  (Click on links below).   The photo below of... read more
Debilitating Headaches

Debilitating Headaches

My wife suffered debilitating headaches for 10 years. She went to see several different doctors who suggested various solutions which were of no help. Finally one doctor took her blood pressure which was sky-high. No doctor had done this before. She was put on blood... read more
Flu Vaccination

Flu Vaccination

I had my first flu injection about 12 years ago (aged 67) approximately. After a few weeks I was diagnosed with sciatica. I did exercises etc and it did improve. The following year the flu season came around and I had another flu injection. I was working in a high... read more