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Detox and Disease

Detox and Disease

People who understand body cleansing also understand detoxification symptoms. Medical professionals understand the symptoms that make up what we call disease. But, the odd thing is that most detoxification symptoms are also the symptoms used to detect a disease. If... read more
What’s in Your Vitamin Pills?

What’s in Your Vitamin Pills?

Vitamin E, in foods, is effective against ageing, oxidative stress, restless leg syndrome, diabetes, cataracts and a host of other ills. Vitamin E in its synthetic form is petro-chemically derived, and can cause endocrine disruption. Magnesium stearate has been shown... read more
Why Kill Your Stomach Acid?

Why Kill Your Stomach Acid?

When I went to medical school there was a different attitude toward drugs than there is today. We were taught to give drugs only when necessary and only as long as necessary. In the past few years, drugs for long-term use and even for preventive use have become the... read more
I Want to Detoxify. What Should I Do?

I Want to Detoxify. What Should I Do?

Thousands of people have asked us this question since 1985. What to do? We suggest you educate yourself first: 01 Read and follow Elaine Hollingsworth’s TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR HEALTH To learn more “Click Here”. 02 Read and follow Ann Wigmore’s... read more
Enzymes and Detoxification

Enzymes and Detoxification

Enzymes are powerful substances; they are responsible for initiating every action in the body, including blinking and breathing. As such, enzymes are often called our life force – because without them we would die. Enzymes are also responsible for helping us... read more
Detoxification is Essential

Detoxification is Essential

Changes in the brain happen when eating large amounts of junk food, and junk food can be as addictive as cigarettes or heroin. However, there’s a solution that makes getting off junk foods much easier. Not surprisingly, the same solution is also effective for... read more