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Your Digestion

Your Digestion

The most important factor in digestion is proper food selection, avoiding non-nutritive junk foods, and choosing foods that provide the building blocks your body needs. (Organic raw foods are ideal, of course.) It’s obvious your body won’t digest food... read more
Christmas and Your Health

Christmas and Your Health

For most of us, the holidays are a great time. A break from the routine. You know the drill. Going back home. Long trips by airplanes or cars. Friends and family. It’s a good time for many, but also a stressful time for some. Whether you are a child visiting a... read more
Enzymes and Weight Loss

Enzymes and Weight Loss

True, lasting weight loss can only come through an approach aimed at healing the whole body. The body stores fat when it lacks nourishment and is under stress, so it is vital to address these issues when seeking permanent, healthy weight loss. An important element of... read more
Stomach Acid and You

Stomach Acid and You

Most people assume that too much stomach acid is the cause of acid indigestion, so take acid suppressors. Surprisingly, though, the primary cause of indigestion in most people is insufficient stomach acid. Stomach acid is good and necessary for health. Stomach acid is... read more