Stomach Acid and You
Most people assume that too much stomach acid is the cause of acid indigestion, so take acid suppressors. Surprisingly, though, the primary cause of indigestion in most people is insufficient stomach acid.
Stomach acid is good and necessary for health. Stomach acid is essential for proper digestion and healthy immune response. Blocking stomach acid for long periods can lead to other health problems. When stomach acid is low, many essential nutrients cannot be absorbed. These include amino acids, vitamins and essential minerals such as iron, calcium and zinc.
Common symptoms of low stomach acid include gas, indigestion, iron deficiency, dilated blood vessels in the cheeks and nose, chronic yeast and fungal infections, chronic intestinal parasites, weak fingernails, acne, and nausea. Diseases associated with low stomach acid include eczema, gallbladder disease, hepatitis, osteoporosis, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, and asthma.
Stomach acid production tends to decline with age. The stomach lining suffers damage from certain things that we ingest, such as aspirin, coffee, chocolate, and iron salts.
Food allergies are also a culprit in indigestion. Certain foods cause inflammation in our digestive tract. An inflamed digestive tract cannot perform normally. Almost everyone is allergic to white flour and products made with white flour. Other common food allergens that lead to indigestion include orange juice, coffee, and milk. Try two weeks without these foods, and see whether your digestion improves.
Hippocrates Digestive Compound (Hydrochloric Acid plus Papain) assists in digestion.