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Toxic Gluten

Toxic Gluten

Wheat, rye, oats and barley can lead to countless health issues, ranging from bloating and fatigue to constipation and gastrointestinal distress. For those who suffer from the more serious autoimmune disorder, celiac disease, health issues can be much worse. However,... read more
Why Juicing?

Why Juicing?

Juicing helps you absorb all nutrients from the vegetables. This is important, because most of us have impaired digestion as a result of making less-than-optimal food choices over many years. You can juice the veggies and fruits of your choice, according to what you... read more
Keep Your Food Boring, And Your Life Interesting

Keep Your Food Boring, And Your Life Interesting

Are you guilty of the following erroneous belief? I will never find any other sources of pleasure or satisfaction in my life to replace the bad habits that are undermining my health. Some people are quite aware that they hold this belief, and will even state it out... read more
Sugar Causes Cancer

Sugar Causes Cancer

For some time now, scientists have known about the Warburg effect: the name for the fact that cancer cells break down sugar quickly, which in turn promotes tumor growth. However, researchers have been hesitant to say that consuming sugar can definitely lead to... read more
Why Do We Lose Muscle Mass as We Age?

Why Do We Lose Muscle Mass as We Age?

As you may know from experience, we typically lose muscle mass as we age, starting around our 40th birthday. In fact, many people lose approximately 10% of their muscle mass every decade. While this may just leave you feeling slightly weaker at age 50 than you did at... read more