Why Juicing?
Juicing helps you absorb all nutrients from the vegetables. This is important, because most of us have impaired digestion as a result of making less-than-optimal food choices over many years.
You can juice the veggies and fruits of your choice, according to what you perceive as most beneficial.
Not only does green juice detox the blood stream and balance our pH levels, it also helps to detox our organs. Juicing with green veggies and items such as ginger and lemon can help to clarify and improve the function of the liver, kidneys, intestines, and even the skin.
We eat and drink because we’re trying to replenish energy, not spend it…Enter juicing. One of our favourite things about it is that you are doing the body’s digestive work for it. No more feeling sleepy after a meal. Now you get a burst of energy, and your body will thank you for it.
Juicing is a great way to use surplus vegetables from your garden or fridge – especially the ones you don’t know what to do with. Combined with sweet vegetables, leafy greens may be used to make slightly bitter-tasting juices more acceptable.
When you’re feeling great (and juicing can make you feel even greater), you’ll naturally handle your relationships better. You’ll find it easier to be loving and energetic.
Squeeze out every drop of goodness from your foods. Get the most from the foods you buy. When you squeeze out the juice of the fruit or vegetable, you receive a concentration of minerals, vitamins and enzymes that might not otherwise be available in whole foods.
The Champion 2000 Juicer is available.