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Stopping Smoking?  Try These Foods

Stopping Smoking? Try These Foods

As any smoker trying to quit knows, the process of giving up the habit isn’t always easy. Quitting “cold turkey” is virtually impossible, as the urge to light up lingers, and a return to the behavior after not too long is common. In fact, nicotine... read more
Why is Health Such a Low Priority?

Why is Health Such a Low Priority?

Something only rarely addressed during the acrimonious debate on medical care is why we take such poor care of our health. Many of us in the developed world eat too much, smoke too much, and/or drink too much. Combine that with a tendency to sleep and exercise too... read more
Weight Loss?  You Could Lose 10 kg in 5 Days

Weight Loss? You Could Lose 10 kg in 5 Days

Yes, it’s possible. A Sydney man (105 kg) did lose 10 kg in 5 days at Hippocrates Health Centre in 2002. How? He had ONLY watermelon juice, water, wheatgrass juice and rejuvelac for 5 days. In addition, he gave himself water enemas twice daily. Before you embark... read more
Christmas and Your Health

Christmas and Your Health

For most of us, the holidays are a great time. A break from the routine. You know the drill. Going back home. Long trips by airplanes or cars. Friends and family. It’s a good time for many, but also a stressful time for some. Whether you are a child visiting a... read more
Why Coconut Oil?

Why Coconut Oil?

Extensive research shows that coconut oil is one of the healthiest oils to eat. It is known to help reduce bad cholesterol and assists weight loss. Famous researcher and nutritionist Mary Enig, PhD has long advocated the benefits of coconut oil, claiming that coconut... read more
Superfood Oil?

Superfood Oil?

Coconut oil has been used for millennia for hair and skin care, stress relief, maintaining cholesterol levels, weight loss, increased immunity, and proper digestion and metabolism. It can assist with kidney and heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, HIV and... read more
Sunshine and the Immune System

Sunshine and the Immune System

Getting more sun may directly boost your body’s ability to fight disease, according to a groundbreaking study conducted by researchers from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, and published in the journal Nature Immunology. In laboratory tests, researchers... read more
Trusting Your Intuition

Trusting Your Intuition

I had a feeling that something weird was happening. I couldn’t figure out why. Nothing specific was out of the ordinary, or even the slightest bit untoward. But something in that instant message gave me the creeps, even if I trusted the source. I logged off as... read more
The Power of Negative Visualization

The Power of Negative Visualization

When Norman Vincent Peale wrote “The Power of Positive Thinking” sixty years ago, he received a stack of rejection slips from publishers. Dejected, he threw the manuscript into the trash, forbidding his wife to remove it. She didn’t. The next day,... read more
Words and Your Health

Words and Your Health

Your words create your reality. The kind of words we use to describe our situations and our lives are the way that we perceive our lives to be. Our perception then is the reality. When you describe something as a “disaster” or say you are... read more