Pilates, Weight Loss and You
Pilates is a form of disciplined exercise developed by Joseph Pilates, beginning in the 1920s.
Originally Pilates was equipment-based, focusing on rehabilitation. Modern Pilates has broadened, and can be structured to meet your specific goals:
- Body balance; increased flexibility and tone
- Strength and conditioning
- Sports or occupation-specific training
- Weight loss
- Preparation for pregnancy and maternity
Pilates harnesses the body and mind, leaving the participant feeling “worked out” and enlivened at the end of the session or class — physically extended, and mentally rejuvenated.
As we know, regular, consistent exercise is essential for optimal health. Exercise (such as Pilates) increases the amount of calories you burn, as a result of increasing your metabolic rate.
A Pilates beginner’s mat session burns about 200 calories. A moderate-intensity intermediate mat session burns about 325 calories. You can increase the caloric output by moving steadily and rhythmically from one movement to the next.
To get in shape with Pilates is to change your life — to embark on an amazing journey of not just physical fitness, but, as Joseph Pilates said “a complete coordination of body, mind and spirit”.
When you are consistent in your Pilates training, your fitness level continues to improve. As you progress, the pace of your workout (both mat and equipment) picks up, as do strength and stability challenges.
For details: 5580 9085 or 0412 022 939.
“I’ve been training weekly at Body Integration since early 2009. I now feel more energized and flexible than I’ve felt in years. I strongly recommend Fiona (a wonderful example of health and fitness) and her expert instructors.”
— Ronald Bradley, Founding Director, Hippocrates Health Centre of Australia