Even my Dog Loves Vitamix
My beloved, handsome, rust colored, 4 year old hound dog was sick. Every other month I had to give him antibiotics to rid his gut of a horrible recurrent bacterial infection. He was well for only a few weeks at a time, before he would be sick again. It was breaking my... read more
Real Food for Bonnie
In 2006 I purchased a Vitamix for my daughter Bonnie, who has arthrogryposis, a joint and muscle disorder. Her jaw is formed differently, requiring her to be tube fed. She was receiving breast milk, but it just wasn’t enough at age 2. Looking for solutions, I... read more
Liberation of Nutrients
“Virtually every beauty factor-skin, hair, bones and overall vitality-is dramatically affected by what we choose to drink. The Vitamix machine not only liberates nutrients trapped within the cell walls of produce, but also liberates me from the prohibitive time,... read more
Multiple Sclerosis at 29
The gift of sight is not something that we think about or wake up grateful for on a daily basis. But I do. It was as if someone turned off a light switch. One moment I could see the blue sky, my children’t faces, and my husband’s smile, and the next, I... read more