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How to Manage Your Online Reputation

How to Manage Your Online Reputation

The web 2.0 era demands that you keep track of what’s being said about you online. It’s a part of what one might call “being informed”. What’s more important is what you say and do on the web and how you manage your online reputation.... read more
Magnesium in the Military

Magnesium in the Military

A veterinarian friend shared the following: “I was talking with a family friend who has been an Air Force nurse for about twenty years with tours in Asia and the Middle East. She told me about the many cases of kidney stones she was seeing in soldiers returning... read more
Aerotoxic Syndrome

Aerotoxic Syndrome

Have you ever flown on an airplane and later become mysteriously ill? Perhaps you developed a headache, had trouble breathing or experienced severe brain fog. These symptoms (and many others) might be the result of breathing toxic fumes that regularly circulate... read more
Toxic Fried Foods

Toxic Fried Foods

Fried foods clog arteries and lead to strokes and Alzeimer’s. Clogged veins and arteries cause heart attacks and aneurysms. Canola oil is a major GMO product (genetically modified to contain pesticides), and is used by almost all restaurants and in manufactured... read more
Coconut Oil and Insulin Resistance

Coconut Oil and Insulin Resistance

The link between diabetes and refined sugar is so strong that it may seem strange to learn that coconut oil can have a profound effect on the disease. This amazing oil may in fact be the most vital key in managing the way sugar impacts your body. For diabetics and... read more
Vitamin D Promotes Weight Loss

Vitamin D Promotes Weight Loss

A recent study conducted by researchers from the University of Minnesota found that overweight people are more successful in losing weight when their vitamin D levels are increased. Dr. Shalamar Sibley, the researcher who headed the study, placed 38 obese men and... read more