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Antidepressants Ineffective

Antidepressants Ineffective

Ulrich Hegerl, MD, of the University of Leipzig in Germany summarizes what current scientific studies have revealed regarding the efficacy of anti-depressant medication in treating mild depression. What does the research add up to? Nothing. That’s right. Zero.... read more
Dulse for Your Health

Dulse for Your Health

Red or purple in colour, dulse is considered a superfood because of its high iodine and potassium content, plus a long list of micronutrients and phytochemicals. Herbalists prefer dulse over kelp in green superfood recipes because of its milder flavour. Found... read more
Vitamin K for Health

Vitamin K for Health

Vitamin K is much more than a blood-clotting agent. Vitamin K improves bone density, aids in preventing hardening of the arteries, and is a strong antioxidant. There are 3 known forms of vitamin K. K1 is found in dark green leafy vegetables. K2 is synthesized in the... read more
Rose Hips

Rose Hips

When a rose fades and the petals fall, the round seed pod left on the stem is called a “rose hip”. Rose hips contain more vitamin C than grapefruit and oranges. They also contain vitamins A, D, and E, iron, and antioxidants. Rose hips have been clinically... read more
Brush Your Skin to Help Your Bladder

Brush Your Skin to Help Your Bladder

I’m 69, and have been bothered for several years by having to urinate 2-3 times every night. So I decided to try brushing with the Hippocrates Natural Fibre Skin Brush, in the hope that opening the pores of my skin would relieve pressure on the bladder. And the... read more
Lose Weight with Raw Foods

Lose Weight with Raw Foods

Many don’t consider the calories that are added to foods through cooking. Frying or barbecuing with trans-fats can add 25 percent more calories on top of the ingredients alone. Recently scientists at the University of Florida studied lab rats over a span of... read more