Skin Brushing
Skin brushing is imperative for supporting our other organs of detoxification: the liver, kidneys and the digestive organs. Dead skin cells and excreted waste from our pores can build up and clog the skin, so that it can no longer continue to detox from the inside... read more
Skin Brush Detox
The skin is estimated to eliminate over 500g of waste each day through its pores and through the elimination of dead skin cells from the body. Dry skin brushing is an effective way to maximize the toxin elimination channels of the skin. The integumentary system is a... read more
An Inspiration to Us All
In June 2013 Sy Perlis (age 91) set a new world record in the 90-and-over weightlifting class. The Surprise, Arizona native competed at the USA National Push-Pull Bench Press and Dead Lift Championships, and his final hoist of 187.5 pounds was good for the record... read more
Good News For Your Eyes
There is good news for your eyes, and one day there will be further good news, when governments get out of our way and do the right thing. They will have to eventually, because there is a growing groundswell of support on this issue, and citizens will eventually... read more