Nuts for Health
We often think that to improve our diets, we have to make major changes, drastically reducing calories or cutting out sugar entirely. But research is showing that we may actually be able to make our diets better just with one simple addition. According to research... read more
Who Are You, Really?
Right now, as you are sitting there, reading this sentence, a number of answers may come to mind to the question, “Who are you, really?” These answers may have to do with various aspects of your supposed identity: your age, for example. Where you were... read more
Will Your Years Be Lucky?
The Lucky Years: How to Thrive in the Brave New World of Health is a book that presents a Utopian view of health data mining that will be used by allopathic medicine to promote more drugs and medical procedures. As the author states, …data is becoming one of the most... read more
Make Your Own Natural Insect Repellent
Summer is coming, which means many of us will be spending more time outdoors walking, biking, hiking, swimming, camping, kayaking — anything to soak up as much sun as possible! But generally along with the great outdoors come bugs, including the much-dreaded,... read more