7 Steps Toward Your Ideal Health. Give it 7 Days!
01 Every day for 7 days, soak a wide variety of raw seeds and nuts in the fridge for 24 hours. Use your imagination: carrot, rocket, lettuce, broccoli, beetroot, rose hips, chia, carob, almond, pecan, Brazil nut and more. You may add fruits such as banana, apple,... read more

Overweight? Get An Electric Bike!
In 2016, a study indicated that even though e-bikes require less rider effort to travel at a given speed, they’re still a decent source of exercise. Now, a new study suggests that they’re just as good as regular bikes at improving fitness – at least in... read more
Drug Expiry Dates Don’t Matter
You should never take a medication that has passed its expiration date, right? After all, it’s probably completely ineffective. And it might even be toxic. Well, I have some news for you. Expiration dates mean little to nothing. And here’s how we know: Some... read more