Marathon Runner Can’t Live Without His Vitamix
From the time we are children we hear that we should eat more fruits and vegetables, but for most of us, that takes time and we’re limited to that one flavor. Using my Vitamix. I put 12 different raw foods in my habitual breakfast smoothie and I am eating the way we are supposed to. It has veen revolutionary in my life.
I am proud to work at Vitamix as the International Business Development Manager. I get to travel the world to set up and teach our new distributors the Vitamix way. In my travels, I hear a lot of stories from vendors and customers alike about how Vitamix inspires and has changed their lives.
Many of our trade partners have come into this business because they have been touched personally in some way by Vitamix. One of our largest distributors in Taiwan is a woman whose husband was battling cancer. She literally watched her husband go from deathly ill to healthy and thriving because of the lifestyle and healthy benefits of foods prepared in her Vitamix.
Chinese culture believes that food is medicine. I believe that there’s truth to the idea of nature’s pharmacy. In my opinion, if everyone had a Vitamix, clinics would shut down and the world would be full of healthy, happy people.
Being an avid sports enthusiast for many hears, I’ve always been a healthy eater. but, working at Vitamix has changed how I eat fruits and vegetables. I had never heard of raw foods-it was a new concept for me. Now, I wouldn’t say I’m a raw foodist, but I eat way more raw food than I ever did before. It certainly has changed how I consume foods. Now, I’m eating better foods and I feel better. I feel healthier, I feel toned, I’ve lost weight, and as a runner, I performed better in the Cleveland marathon than I ever have before. That’s the whole foods prepared in the Vitamix lifestly.