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Sexual Lubrication

Sexual Lubrication

For sexual stimulation, and even treating vaginal dryness and irritation, many women use personal lubricants. When looking for a healthy lubricant, women often find themselves having to read through a variety of chemicals in an attempt to ensure that what they are... read more
Cannabis, Your Parents and Your Children

Cannabis, Your Parents and Your Children

Opening up to family is an important step for a cannabis consumer. Many people feel closeted by their choice to smoke or eat or vaporize weed. I know I’ve been there, and many of you have written to say you’re there now. I can’t say that it’s... read more
Good News For Your Eyes

Good News For Your Eyes

There is good news for your eyes, and one day there will be further good news, when governments get out of our way and do the right thing. They will have to eventually, because there is a growing groundswell of support on this issue, and citizens will eventually... read more
Marijuana and Asthma

Marijuana and Asthma

Marijuana has long been reported to relieve symptoms of asthma. Now, research explains why marijuana’s main ingredient might help patients breathe easier. Published in January 2014 in the British Journal of Pharmacology, a new study shows marijuana may have a... read more
Migraine Headaches

Migraine Headaches

One of magnesium’s main jobs is to tone the blood vessels. Scientists have linked certain types of migraines to problems with blood flow and pressure in the vessels. So, if you have low magnesium levels, you could benefit from taking additional magnesium.... read more
Cannabis Laws are the Real Crime

Cannabis Laws are the Real Crime

Australia needs to chill out about marijuana and take its cue from US states Colorado and Washington by legalising the drug, the HEMP Party says. Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Party president Michael Balderstone says Australia needs to spark up a debate and a... read more
The Many Uses of Medical Marijuana

The Many Uses of Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana seems to offer a wide range of benefits, with more being discovered. While clinical trials are lacking, surveys of patients have helped researchers identify a large number of reasons for using medical marijuana. Recently, the US Department of... read more
Your Memory

Your Memory

The “use it or lose it” principle applies to your mind as well as your body. And you know that crossword puzzles, card and memory games, chess, keeping up with news of the world and taking an interest in people and everything around you are important in... read more
How is Your Golden Triangle?

How is Your Golden Triangle?

The culmination of twenty-nine Australian happiness surveys over twelve years by Melbourne’s Deakin University has revealed — if you live within the golden triangle, you’re more than likely to be happy. A loving partner, up to $100,000 of household... read more