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Leaky Gut Syndrome Causes Depression?

Leaky Gut Syndrome Causes Depression?

There are many causes of depression. Hormone deficiencies, neurotransmitter imbalances, sugar addiction, and nutritional imbalances are the most common. But there’s another cause of depression that most aren’t aware of — even though the evidence goes... read more
When You Die, What Will You Regret?

When You Die, What Will You Regret?

We recommend a book: The Top Five Regrets of The Dying by Bronnie Ware — a Sydney nurse who has cared for patients in the last weeks of their lives for many years. Regret #1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others... read more
Nuts for Your Health

Nuts for Your Health

People often assume that in order to lead healthier lifestyles, they need to quit snacking. But according to a new study, snacking could actually reduce your risk of a number of diseases and of premature death. You just have to snack on the right thing. In fact,... read more
Subway Australia Product Ingredients

Subway Australia Product Ingredients

You can get a custom-made low-priced vegan sandwich at Subway, with an abundance of fresh raw vegetables to choose from. But their breads don’t meet our quality standards. You’ll see why in the attachment below: Subway Australia Product... read more
Potatoes Can Raise Blood Pressure

Potatoes Can Raise Blood Pressure

Do you think it’s possible to eat too many vegetables? For most vegetables, we would say no. But vegetables high in carbohydrates might be the exception. Particularly if you’re worried about developing hypertension. Although the U.S. government has listed... read more
Australia: Poor Diet Causes Unexpected Cases of Scurvy

Australia: Poor Diet Causes Unexpected Cases of Scurvy

A historical disease caused by a lack of vitamin C and associated with old-world sailors, it appears that scurvy is reappearing in Australia due to poor modern dietary habits. A spate of patients suffering from wounds that refused to heal led a Sydney hospital... read more
Toxic Mercury Fillings

Toxic Mercury Fillings

Have you ever had a dental filling? Most of us have. In fact, the average American has had three. Unfortunately, most of those Americans assume that because a doctor was putting it in your mouth, it was safe. But, as you may already know, that’s not the case.... read more
Prevent Diabetes.  Get Enough Sleep.

Prevent Diabetes. Get Enough Sleep.

According to new research, losing sleep can lead to glucose intolerance and insulin resistance, which increases your chances of developing diabetes. If you’re worried that you may develop diabetes at some point in your life, you shouldn’t lose any sleep... read more
Muscle Cramps?

Muscle Cramps?

Muscle cramps are the most common manifestation of magnesium deficiency. To try to relieve her leg cramps, Mary began taking calcium at night, having read that it was good for cramps and sleep. At first, the calcium seemed to help, but after a week or two, the pains... read more