Sailing Through Life With Our Vitamix (Constipation/Bronchitis)
My husband and I live on a sailboat off the east coast of central Florida. Living on a sailboat provides little space for appliances. I’ve had a Vitamix for over 15 years and absolutely love it, especially as the Vitamix is easy to store since it is primarily... read more
Nutrition for Athletes
“As an athlete, I can’t afford to compromise with my nutrition. As the sun rose on June 8th, 2008, twenty-seven hours, thirty-five minutes after starting – I crossed the finish line, successfully completing my first 100-mile ultra marathon. When I... read more
The Power of Green Smoothies (Cancer)
The room was painted in blue. Toys not yet played with sat expectantly on the shelf. The tiny little clothes were all washed and waiting in drawers. The Howard family happily anticipated new and exciting changes. About two weeks before our third son was due, we sat... read more
High Performance Athletes Require High Performance Vitamix
“That’s it! If one more blender breaks, I am ordering a VitaMix!”, I said to my son and my boyfriend. The past year had been spent buying several new blenders and then waiting for replacement parts when they quickly broke from extensive and demanding... read more