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High Performance Athletes Require High Performance Vitamix

“That’s it! If one more blender breaks, I am ordering a VitaMix!”, I said to my son and my boyfriend. The past year had been spent buying several new blenders and then waiting for replacement parts when they quickly broke from extensive and demanding usage. In our busy, athletic household with both a competitive cyclist and a fierce triathlete, we don’t have the time to wait for replacement parts for another blender. Even my neighbor was hoping we’d find a solution, as she was getting tired of repeatedly lending her blender to us.

We needed a dependable blender to take care of the immediate and ever present caloric and nutritional needs of the athletes in the house, including all of their training buddies who would stop by to refuel after a hard workout. Sure enough, within the week the latest blender broke, and bam! Vitamix purchased! Woo-hoo! No more breakdowns for the blender or for me. What a relief to all of us!

With the VitaMix we can all whip up a protein recovery drink or carb-packed fuel for the road. Boris, the triathlete, often had three separate workouts to do on top of a full time job. Breakfast consisted of a “throw everything into the VitaMix” smoothie and run (literally) out the door. In went whatever veggies or fruits that were available. Not to mention the quick and delicious soups thrown together in five minutes for a satisfying late night meal.

Our VitaMix is so important to us that we have often joked that the first things to go into the car if a hurricane is coming are the Vitamix, the bikes, and the running shoes – in that order!

Quick, easy, nutritious: that same VitaMix has powered our everyday lives for the last six years. Our VitaMix has helped us to achieve two Florida State Short Course triathlon championships, sucess at national and international level competitions of the sport, and now coaching and training other triathletes and swimmers.

Boris still uses the VitaMix at least twice a day. As for my son, the cyclist, when he set off for college a few years ago as a collegiate cyclist, you know what he took with him? You guessed it: his very own VitaMix, which has since powered him all over the United States and now the world.

As for me, I haven’t had to wait for parts or borrow a blender since that day six years ago. And the price? Well, I would have to say it’s priceless. Enjoy the ride!

 Susan Amick, Florida