Covid Nasal Swab Disaster
During late March 2020 I had a sore throat. My doc was only doing phone interviews and said she had to “assume” I had COVID. She would not release me to go back to work without making me do a C19 test. So I did the test. Right after that, I felt like a... read more

I Eliminated Arthritic Pain
About 2 years ago as a robust 71-year-old male I started getting mild hip joint pain which over 4 months gradually worsened whereby the pain became excruciating simply walking up 5 stairs. I purposely didn’t take any pain killers during that time and I thought my... read more
Kidney Failure
I was 19 and had been under specialists for two years with ongoing bladder and kidney infections and was constantly on antibiotics. Finally I was booked into hospital and told one kidneys had died and had to be removed and the other kidney was only functioning at 40%... read more