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How to Survive Long Flights

How to Survive Long Flights

Confession: I hate to fly, and that hatred hasn’t diminished one single iota in my years of hauling myself around the world. This abhorrence doesn’t stem from anxiety, or from fear of crashing. It’s the almost unbearable hassle involved at every step... read more
Don’t Blame the Sun!

Don’t Blame the Sun!

Melanoma rates are rising. Melanoma is the deadly form of skin cancer. Pundits blame the sun. But, are rates really rising, and is outdoor sun exposure to blame? I don’t think so. New research finds that doctors are calling early lesions in the skin stage-1... read more
Career Advice for Teenagers and Their Parents

Career Advice for Teenagers and Their Parents

Make a business plan for your life. Your entire career is a business plan. You should make one early. This must cover the following: What do you want to accomplish? How soon do you want to accomplish it? How much are you willing to pay? Stay out of consumer debt.... read more
Lower Your Risk of Stroke

Lower Your Risk of Stroke

Eating lots of fruits and vegetables helps lower the risk of developing a stroke, a new study shows. The new report comes from a team of scientists at the the Karolinska Institute in Sweden and was published in the “Stroke” journal of the American Heart... read more