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Magnesium and the Heart

Magnesium and the Heart

Magnesium is an essential mineral that is required to sustain healthy blood vessels, generate cellular energy, and maintain healthy nerve and muscle function. Magnesium is known to help maintain healthy heart rhythm and blood pressure. The results of research... read more
A Health Freedom Zone in America (and in Australia)

A Health Freedom Zone in America (and in Australia)

(This proposal was written by an American. However, its principles would apply equally in Australia.) Most Americans now realize that the drugs-and-surgery approach to health care is a failure. Keeping people sick and diseased so that you can pump more profits into... read more
Alkali-Forming Foods and Your Digestion

Alkali-Forming Foods and Your Digestion

Acid reflux occurs when food and stomach acids regurgitate back into the esophagus, causing burning pain in the lower chest. Other symptoms include bloating, belching, sore throat, snoring, difficult breathing and ulcers. The early stages of digestion occur with the... read more
Detoxification or Amputation?

Detoxification or Amputation?

When patients’ bodies have been showing signs that detoxification is needed, doctors have been prescribing a drug that can lead to tissue damage to the degree that amputation is then the next step. The USFDA hasn’t called for the elimination of this... read more
Vitamin D and Broken Bones

Vitamin D and Broken Bones

Recent research from Scotland reinforces the longstanding medical conclusion that vitamin D deficiency leads to a significantly increased risk of bone fractures. Among people with hip fractures referred to the Scottish Fracture Liaison Service, 98 percent tested... read more
A Philosophy for Everyday Living

A Philosophy for Everyday Living

PREAMBLE A daydream of mine, destined to be unfulfilled, is to know how my grandfathers saw life – in a sense, what their philosophy for everyday living was. What follows, like the grab-bag of personal musings I’ve penned over the past 15 years, was put to... read more