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Magnesium Chloride for Health

Magnesium is essential for health. It has a role in hundreds of chemical reactions throughout the body. The average human body has approximately 25 grams of magnesium, with more than half of that amount contained within the bones.

For individuals who take magnesium to correct a deficiency, to relieve pain and cramps, or to aid in tissue purification and cellular detoxification, magnesium chloride is a form the body can readily utilise.

The human body easily metabolises and assimilates magnesium chloride. Some use magnesium sulphate (Epsom salts) for detoxification, but the kidneys excrete it so rapidly the body does not have sufficient time to assimilate the magnesium. Salts are less effective, because the body must convert them to chlorides before it can use them.

Magnesium chloride helps various body tissues eliminate toxins and waste products. These impurities are excreted through the skin’s pores. Chloride stimulates enzymes responsible for digesting starch, and helps the stomach produce gastric acid.

Chloride is a major electrolyte, and plays a role in many important bodily functions, but it is rapidly excreted. Magnesium is important for kidney function. It also helps with nerve transmission, maintains fluids within blood vessels, and is necessary for muscle movement.

When used on the skin, magnesium chloride is effective for treating infected boils, carbuncles, and ulcers. It can also speed the healing of wounds. Traditionally is has been used to promote muscle relaxation, and has been known to relieve the pain of arthritis, cramps and other joint and muscle inflammations. Some even use it as a natural deodorant.