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Your Memory and Vitamin D

Your Memory and Vitamin D

If you needed one more reason to make sure your vitamin D levels are adequate, Duke-NUS Medical School and Duke University can give it to you. Researchers at these institutions recently conducted a study of elderly Chinese people that linked low vitamin D levels to a... read more
Keep Your Food Boring, And Your Life Interesting

Keep Your Food Boring, And Your Life Interesting

Are you guilty of the following erroneous belief? I will never find any other sources of pleasure or satisfaction in my life to replace the bad habits that are undermining my health. Some people are quite aware that they hold this belief, and will even state it out... read more
Sugar Causes Cancer

Sugar Causes Cancer

For some time now, scientists have known about the Warburg effect: the name for the fact that cancer cells break down sugar quickly, which in turn promotes tumor growth. However, researchers have been hesitant to say that consuming sugar can definitely lead to... read more
Vitamin D Deficiency Can Lead to Cancer

Vitamin D Deficiency Can Lead to Cancer

Researchers have linked a deficiency in vitamin D to everything from neurodegenerative disease to breast cancer to depression. Now a new review study conducted at the University of Warwick and presented at the Society for Endocrinology’s annual conference has... read more
Magnesium and Cancer

Magnesium and Cancer

Magnesium is basic to cancer treatment and its avoidance. Several studies have shown an increased cancer rate in regions with low magnesium levels in soil and drinking water. In Egypt, the cancer rate was only about 10% of that in Europe and America. Among the rural... read more