X Rays and Your Teeth
If you’ve been to the dentist, you know how it is — these jokers want to X-ray you every time you open your mouth. Checkup? ZAP! Toothache? ZAP! New dentist? ZAP! They’ll even try to zap you if they get new office equipment. Zap, zap, zap, zap... read more
Maca and Migraine
People who suffer from the debilitating pain of migraine headaches need relief. Could the solution be found in a radish-like root vegetable that grows in an extreme climate where few other plants can survive? Might something the Incas consumed regularly 2,000 years... read more
Pilates, Weight Loss and You
Pilates is a form of disciplined exercise developed by Joseph Pilates, beginning in the 1920s. Originally Pilates was equipment-based, focusing on rehabilitation. Modern Pilates has broadened, and can be structured to meet your specific goals: Body balance; increased... read more
You Can Avoid Kidney Stones
In an episode of “Seinfield”, Kramer develops a kidney stone. “What is that, anyway?” asks Jerry. “It’s a stony mineral concretion,” replies Kramer quite accurately, “formed abnormally in the kidney. And this jagged... read more