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The “Job” That Isn’t “Work”

Five years ago I was looking for a job and saw that a company called VitaMix was hiring. I had never heard about them, but when I read about the company I was so excited! I thought, “This is the company for me! VitaMix is looking for me. I just have to tell them!”

I have always lived healthfully, but I did not understand what health truly meant until working at VitaMix. About a year into my employment with VitaMix, I had the extraordinary opportunity to demonstrate our machine back home in Germany. I was never a great speaker, but this was so easy for me because I was talking about my life. This is what I do.

I use my machine two to three times a day. In the past year, I’ve lost 20 pounds just like that! I didn’t go on a diet or even try; I just ate healthy foods and the pounds fell off.

This is the only kitchen machine I need to live a healthy life. Not an oven, not a microwave or a coffee maker, just this. Since I started using my VitaMix, I feel better, I have more energy, I get more work done, and I don’t even need to set my alarm anymore – I just wake up at 6 a.m.! My grocery bill has been cut in half because I use everything I purchase!

For me, working at VitaMix is not a job. It is a lifestyle.

I plan on skiing down the slopes when I am 100 years old, thanks to VitaMix!

Martina Oleksiak, Vitamix International Sales Coordinator, Ohio