Ageing and Magnesium
In 1993 Dr.Jean Durlach, French magnesium expert, summed up the existing research on magnesium and ageing: Magnesium deficiency symptoms among the elderly include central nervous system symptoms that seem “neurotic”: anxiety, excessive emotionality, fatigue,... read more
Rapid Ageing with Ramen Noodles
Since she was about five years old, Georgi Readman from the Isle of Wight (UK) has been eating primarily ramen noodles, and nothing more. And now the 18-year-old girl is suffering the health consequences, as reports indicate that her persistent aversion to fruit and... read more
Meditation for Longevity
Meditation works wonders. Recent studies concluded that meditating positively impacts gene expression in the body, promotes longevity, protects against stroke and heart disease and drastically reduces doctor visits. Heart disease and stroke are the number one and... read more