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Why Do We Lose Muscle Mass as We Age?

Why Do We Lose Muscle Mass as We Age?

As you may know from experience, we typically lose muscle mass as we age, starting around our 40th birthday. In fact, many people lose approximately 10% of their muscle mass every decade. While this may just leave you feeling slightly weaker at age 50 than you did at... read more
Ageing with Beauty and Grace

Ageing with Beauty and Grace

In the last decade I have come to realise that there is one thing that is with me for every thought, action, choice and behaviour in my life… and that is my body. I will be turning forty next year, and to be honest I have no hang-ups about that, in fact I am... read more
Calorie Restriction Slows Ageing

Calorie Restriction Slows Ageing

A study of people who reduced the calories they consumed has found the strongest evidence yet that such restrictions can slow down human metabolism. The results raise hopes that a low-calorie lifestyle — or treatments that mimic the biological effects of restricted... read more
Will You Live to 100? We Plan To…

Will You Live to 100? We Plan To…

Living to 100 involves an enormous amount of luck. The born-with-the-right-genes luck, as well as the not-getting-hit-by-a-bus luck. But, obviously, longevity is much more than happenstance and distracted drivers. Environmental factors and the choices we make play a... read more
The Real Cause of Ageing

The Real Cause of Ageing

The major factor in every chronic disease, including the very process of ageing itself, is decreased energy production. And the amazing thing about this is that there are still only a handful of doctors even checking their patients’ energy production. Now, a... read more
Hospitals Make You Worse

Hospitals Make You Worse

If we were to describe a dystopian novel in which people go into hospital sick in order to be cared for, and come out disabled, you would be horrified. However, that’s what’s happening in today’s hospital care for the elderly. An Aug 10, 2017 Medscape article titled... read more