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Ageing and Magnesium

In 1993 Dr.Jean Durlach, French magnesium expert, summed up the existing research on magnesium and ageing:

Magnesium deficiency symptoms among the elderly include central nervous system symptoms that seem “neurotic”: anxiety, excessive emotionality, fatigue, head­aches, insomnia, light-headedness, dizziness, nervous fits, sensation of a lump in the throat, and impaired breath­ing.

Peripheral nervous system signs are common: pins and needles of the extremities, cramps, muscle pains.

Functional disorders include chest pain, shortness of breath, chest pressure, palpitations, extra systoles (occa­sional heart thumps from an isolated extra beat), abnor­mal heart rhythm and Raynaud’s syndrome.

Autonomic nervous system disturbances involve both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, causing hypotension on rising quickly or borderline hypertension. In elderly patients, excessive emotionality, tremor, weakness, sleep disorders, amnesia, and cogni­tive disturbances are particularly important aspects of magnesium deficiency.