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When Western articles discuss healthful aspects of the Asian diet, they rarely mention sea vegetables. But, according to Dr. Zakir Ramazanov, seaweed makes up about 10% of the Japanese diet. Research has found that, in addition to a bounty of vitamins, minerals, and... read more

Acid/ Alkaline and Your Health

” Drink your milk!” has been a common (and erroneous) adage to build healthy bones. Milk actually contributes to an acidic environment in the body, and acidic environments in the body actually create weak bones and create an optimal environment for... read more
The Hippocrates Diet and Health Program

The Hippocrates Diet and Health Program

Since 1985, everyone who has ever followed THE HIPPOCRATES DIET AND HEALTH PROGRAM has reduced weight, and enjoyed better health. Ann Wigmore, founder of Hippocrates Health Institute, taught that what we eat profoundly affects our health. As an internationally... read more
Hippocrates 3-Hour 2-DVD Instructional Box Set

Hippocrates 3-Hour 2-DVD Instructional Box Set

Disc One contains: How you can grow and use quality wheatgrass: A simple step-by-step process. How you can prepare delicious raw foods quickly and easily. Disc Two contains: Learn how foods affect your health in Ronald Bradley’s (Founder, Hippocrates Health... read more