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Maca: A True Adaptogen Affects the Body and Mind

Maca: A True Adaptogen Affects the Body and Mind

Maca has been cultivated and grown high in the Andes Mountains of Peru for thousands of years. Only recently, though, have the many health benefits of maca been brought to the awareness of the entire world. Also called “Peruvian Ginseng,” this hardy root... read more
Your Digestion

Your Digestion

The most important factor in digestion is proper food selection, avoiding non-nutritive junk foods, and choosing foods that provide the building blocks your body needs. (Organic raw foods are ideal, of course.) It’s obvious your body won’t digest food... read more
How to Detox with a Coconut Oil Cleanse

How to Detox with a Coconut Oil Cleanse

With fad detox methods around every corner, it’s hard to know which one can provide a healthy cleanse without unpleasant side effects. A coconut oil detox is an excellent way to cleanse without using complicated formulas, or living off nothing but water for days... read more
Find Inner Serenity by Finding Your Keys

Find Inner Serenity by Finding Your Keys

The most important rules for keeping your house in order: Never buy “souvenirs.” Somewhere, keep an entirely empty shelf or drawer. Strive to keep surfaces bare. Put away kitchen appliances you don’t use every day. Don’t cram stuff onto every ledge. Get rid of... read more
Magnesium Overcomes Anxiety and Heart Palpitations

Magnesium Overcomes Anxiety and Heart Palpitations

Thank you for speaking out about this little-known miracle. After the birth of my son, I suffered from anxiety that was nearly debilitating… specifically, I started having panic attacks while driving on the highway. With positive mental reinforcement I got over... read more
Your Body’s Enzyme Account

Your Body’s Enzyme Account

Enzymes are particularly sensitive to the molecular destruction of cooking. Unfortunately, each of us is given only a limited supply of enzyme energy at birth, and this supply must work to keep every body system in working order throughout our lifetime. The only other... read more


A reader writes Dr Carolyn Dean: “My chiropractor recommended Magnesium. So I tried it, and my pain subsided. It all made so much sense… I was Magnesium deficient. So I started my whole magnesium supplementing routine. Mag-rich foods, oral Mag, Mag oil,... read more
Wheatgrass Benefits

Wheatgrass Benefits

Increases red blood cell count. Cleanses the blood, organs and gastrointestinal tract. Stimulates metabolism. Stimulates the thyroid gland. Reduces over-acidity in the blood. Relieves peptic ulcers, ulcerative colitis, constipation, diarrhea, and other... read more