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Coconut Oil and MRSA

Coconut Oil and MRSA

MRSA (methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus) is a contagious, potentially lethal bacterial infection that’s difficult to eliminate, because it’s resistant to antibiotics. But the problem is that physicians are trying to use antibiotics to fight the... read more
A Rational Approach to a Marriage Crisis

A Rational Approach to a Marriage Crisis

LET’S say you have what you believe to be a healthy marriage. You’re still friends and lovers after spending more than half of your lives together. The dreams you set out to achieve in your 20s — gazing into each other’s eyes in candlelit city bistros when you were... read more
Improve Your Digestion

Improve Your Digestion

Did you know that you could be eating the correct nutrients, but not absorbing them? In order to build muscle, strengthen your immune system, and get the energy you need throughout the day, the nutrients you eat have to be absorbed in your digestive tract. And that... read more
Coconut Oil for Mothers and Babies

Coconut Oil for Mothers and Babies

The unique composition of human breast milk fat includes fatty acids (lauric acid and capric acid), which have potent antimicrobial properties. These fatty acids offer the nursing infant protection from viruses such as herpes and HIV, protozoa such as giardia lamblia,... read more
A Partner’s Language

A Partner’s Language

For Women: 25 common mistakes that can alienate the man in your life. Exclude him from important decisions. Correct what he says. Question his judgment. Give unsolicited advice. Dismiss his opinion. Imply inadequacy. Make unrealistic demands of his time and energy.... read more
Magnesium is Anti-Inflammatory

Magnesium is Anti-Inflammatory

A recent UCLA School of Public Health study of 3,713 postmenopausal women showed that magnesium is a powerful anti-inflammatory nutrient. Each 100 mg of magnesium per day was associated with a significant reduction in various inflammatory markers. Magnesium is the... read more
Obese Teens and Diabetes Drugs

Obese Teens and Diabetes Drugs

Your child may not have diabetes, but that won’t stop the pediatric pushers from trying to get him /her hooked on diabetes drugs in order to shed a few kilos. The latest bit of shockingly underwhelming research found that kids taking Glucophage XR (Metformin)... read more
Coconut Oil: A natural Remedy for Pneumonia

Coconut Oil: A natural Remedy for Pneumonia

An encouraging new study shows that coconut oil can offer pneumonia patients a faster and more complete recovery. The results of the study were presented in Philadelphia at a meeting of the American College of Chest Physicians on October 29, 2008 by Gilda Sapphire... read more
Free Advice: Don’t Give It.

Free Advice: Don’t Give It.

I believe in laissez-faire: “Leave us alone.” This philosophy applies to the civil government, but it also applies to individuals who don’t want your advice. Leave them alone. Did the person approach you and ask for advice? If not, there are lots of... read more