Overcoming Dermatitis
Dermatitis (chronic inflammation of the skin) is becoming more common, from babies to the aged. There are many treatments available. As the Flech family will attest, often simplest is best.
For many years the family had been going back and forth between alternative and orthodox medicine for treatment for the neurodermatitis suffered by their twins, David and Armin. From the age of four months onwards, the children had constant itching and suppurating, festering skin all over the body.
Doctors maintained that there was no chance of a cure before the end of puberty. But — after installing a Grander water system, within four months, the boys were free from complaints. The “cure” involved no dermatologist, cream or special diet. The boys were simply required to remain in the bath for thirty minutes daily, and drink abundant water. The boys have been dermatitis-free for the past five years.
Grander Water Technology (www.grander.com.au) is offering up to $500 off selected products through 30 June 2011. 07 5568 7522.