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Enzymes for your Health

Enzymes for your Health

The human race is at least half sick. In a biological sense, there are no completely healthy people living on the conventional diet. Even those young adults who feel fit have health defects: dental caries, thin hair, approaching baldness, acne, allergies, headaches,... read more
Overcoming Dermatitis

Overcoming Dermatitis

Dermatitis (chronic inflammation of the skin) is becoming more common, from babies to the aged. There are many treatments available. As the Flech family will attest, often simplest is best. For many years the family had been going back and forth between alternative... read more
Create the Abundance Mindset

Create the Abundance Mindset

How can you create the abundance mindset? Give away whatever you have. Some people are always running out of time. They’re always in a panic to get things done. If you’re always out of time, then do the sensible thing — give your time away. Some people don’t... read more
Magnesium and the Brain

Magnesium and the Brain

Magnesium is a vital mineral for our overall health, and now a Chinese study has discovered that higher magnesium levels dramatically improve brain health. Guosong Liu, Director of the Center for Learning and Memory at Tsinghua University in Beijing, stated... read more
Food Enzymes for Your Health

Food Enzymes for Your Health

Until the advent of modern farming and food manufacturing, most people got ample food enzymes from the plants they picked and ate – consuming a great deal of them more or less ripe from the vine. A ripe fruit or vegetable freshly picked contains the most food... read more
Enzymes are Key to Health

Enzymes are Key to Health

Not only are enzymes necessary for proper digestion, they are an integral component of every chemical reaction that occurs within the body. Without enzymes no bodily processes would be possible. For example, detoxification, digestion, elimination, and a... read more
Colon Cleansing is Essential

Colon Cleansing is Essential

Your body’s ability to eliminate toxins and wastes determines your entire state of health. Did you know that every cell and organ in your body is designed to bring in nutrition and fuel to survive, and eliminate waste when it’s done? A majority of this... read more
Lauric Acid in Coconut Oil

Lauric Acid in Coconut Oil

Certain components of coconut oil are exceptionally important. Lauric acid, a medium-chain fatty acid found mainly in coconut oil, is one of these prized substances. Pure coconut oil contains about 50 percent lauric acid, and is the most abundant natural source of... read more
Fifteen Tips on How to Live to 100

Fifteen Tips on How to Live to 100

Follow this checklist of 15 tips and you could add up to 77 years to your life. Sound too good to be true? Not according to new research from (UK) Norwich Union. Simple things, such as enjoying a good laugh and eating healthfully, can give a huge boost to your... read more
Magnesium Oil for Your Muscles

Magnesium Oil for Your Muscles

Magnesium is a genuine muscle relaxant, so it only makes sense that you can use it as a massage oil. Magnesium chloride supersaturated in water is called “magnesium oil”. It’s not really an oil, but it has a bit of an oily feel. One massage therapist... read more