I work in hospitals as an Allied Health Assistant to assist patient recovery after surgery in a rehab capacity. I was advised when I started work I had to have all my compulsory vaccinations before commencing work. iT was against what I believe but I had them to satisfy requirements of the hospital system. A year or so later I was advised I needed a booster for Her B. I had that vaccination and was advised sometime later that my antibodies didn’t show therefore I would need yet another booster. I wasn’t happy about this and should have refused. I think eventually I had a total of four HEP B vaccinations. Apparently you can have up to five.
The last booster they asked me to have I refused and stated that possibly antibodies did not show up due to me being of mature age.
Not so long after the last booster, I found my joints had become inflamed , swollen and painful. For about a year I felt exhausted more than usual and aches and pains in my joints. It’s been a couple of years since my last booster and recently I had my bloods taken, and the results came back from my doctor as I had ants to HEP B. I still have aches and pains and take fish oil and magnesium to assist my joints and bones.
I don’t believe anyone should be forced to have vaccines if they prefer not to.
Kind Regards,
Pauline Sherry