Surgery Caused Me Chronic Pain
I come from a traditional Scottish background. My Father was a teacher/Deputy Head of a big school in Invercargill and an Elder in the Presbyterian Church in Invercargill New Zealand. In fact most of my family are teachers. Those were the days when you did what those in authority told you to do.
But I didn’t! Instead I went Nursing for a couple of years, got pregnant, married and had two boys. Then my marriage broke up and I later married a man who was much older than myself. For this reason, I felt that I never quite measured up to the family expectations.
I began to have problems with my ‘back’ when I was carrying my first child. After a normal second pregnancy, the third turned into a complete disaster. I was in hospital for 4 months unable to walk—my whole pelvis collapsed and it was if the whole foundation of my body had given way. The pain persisted even after I had given birth and eventually 18months later I was diagnosed with Arachnoiditis. This is a condition where the fluid around the spinal cord solidifies making it feel like grains of sand. ‘ I had 3 spinal operations in the 1970s and was told that I would be in a wheelchair in 10 years. What I wasn’t told was that the condition was caused my body’s allergic reaction to the drug Myodil the contrast dye used for the four mylograms that I had done under orders from the Surgeon who did the operations in Dunedin Hospital. This was before the invention of MRI machines. The clinical literature states that ‘the dye must be removed from the spinal cord within half an hour of being administered.’ This did not happen in New Zealand! Myodil was actually banned in Sweden in 1948 and in Switzerland in 1968 but it was not taken off New Zealand’s list until the early 1980s This condition made my life absolute hell between the ages of 30 yrs and 50yrs and I was under the Pain Clinic for twenty two years and put on every conceivable drug you could imagine. I was addicted to all their nasty pain killers, mood enhancers etc.

My salvation in those days was that I took up pottery! I had pots accepted in National Exhibitions and was quite well known for the crystalline glazing that I developed in those days. Naturally I used an electric wheel as there was no way I could have used the manual wheel. After a while in my pottery room I would literally have to crawl up the back steps of the house and get pain killers to relieve the pain. My children were very good at getting the pills for Mum, emptying vomit bowls or bed pans. While potting I used to listen to the radio and it was while listening, I became interested in vitamins and minerals and buying alternative health magazines. If I had been advised to ‘eat a bucket of dirt’ I would have done so as I was sooo desperate to eliminate the pain and get my life back on track. This is when I developed a stomach ulcer from all the drugs I was taking and of course this interfered with my bowel as well. What a mess I was in! I used to get migraines which would last for 3-4 days and I was unable to lift my head from the pillow. And continuous vomiting.!!! The Doctor used to come and give me injections for the pain, I was so bad and many times I was put into hospital. My poor husband and family!
One day I saw in the paper an advertisement for Reiki One and with a struggle financially I went and attended the course and six weeks later I did module two which was paid for by my Mother as she was so desperate for me to get back to good health By using Reiki several times a day was able to treat myself and by doing this I was able to reduce and eventually discard the addictive pain and mood drugs I had been given by the Pain Clinic. It was then that I decided to put an advertisement in the paper offering Reiki treatments for people. Around this time that I took my pottery to the Central Otago township of Alexandra for a New Year market and sold $1500 dollars worth of pottery which was the cost of Reiki Three. Once I became a Reiki Master I held Reiki classes thoughout the South Island.
As a Reiki Master I started teaching I used to hold a group night once a month with other Reiki people and students that I taught. It was during this time that I met a Seichem Master (Egyptian Healing) which is connected to the Goddess Isis energies This is when we met and exchanged knowledge and she taught me Seichem. Reiki and Seichem are very old energies and although they still work extremely well I felt the need of something for the 21st centuary. This was when Aquarian Healing came into being.
I was given the energy of Aquarian for the new Aquarian age and I was instructed to write manuals for Aquarian Healing. These manuals were gradually written over the next two years and of course the same time I continued to learn many different modalities Diploma in TMJ, Touch for Health, Ultimate Healing, Bach Flowers, Hypnotherapy, Aura Soma, Homeobotanicals, the list goes on but it still did not give me what I felt that I needed.

Aquarian Healing was born! I wrote all the manuals while in Invercargill and with the help of a friend in Auckland this modality was accepted by the NZ Health Charter as a legitimate Natural Health modality here in New Zealand.
After the death of my husband in 1999 I moved to Auckland and was holding my clinic there and teaching all over NZ at the weekends. It was from there that I was invited to go to Germany, Austria, Switzerland ,England and Norway which I did over the next six years. teaching Aquarian Healing and seeing the World. The highlight of my time in Europe was when I was invited to be one of the International Speakers at the ‘World Conference of Healers’ in Basel Switzerland in 2004. Here was the woman from the bottom of New Zealand telling her story to over 1000 people on the other side of the world. I went to Europe 6 years in a row teaching Aquarian Healing and then came back to New Zealand for our NZ summer.
I am now semi retired and living in Christchurch but still treat people by Skype or Zoom from all around the world and here in my clinic in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Robin Rodgers
43a Charles Upham Ave,
Hillmorton Christchurch
03 338 6340
021 834 953