Psych Drugs
I was given an antipsychotic by a psychiatrist in a hospital which refused to believe I merely suffered from a critically low level of thyroid stimulating hormone because I quit taking my Synthroid 3 months earlier.
The antipsychotic made me go instantly insane, so they then could lock me up in a psych ward, where I was given mirtazapine and Ativan. I lost my daughter to psych drugs and Know close to everything about them, which is not a single thing good.
When I realized that I could get myself out of the psych ward, I did so as quickly as possible to retain my sanity.
Psych wards drive people insane due to the other inmates.
I tapered off both drugs as quickly as possible and still had an entire year getting all the way back to normal.
Bottom line, psych drugs are an assault on mankind. They Cause more problems than the one problem you want to fix.
Get your thyroid levels checked, get your vitamin levels checked. Eat right, get enough sleep and enough sunshine.
Debra Decot