Brain Injury
This is perhaps one of the more frustrating and embarrassing effects of pharmaceutical brain injury. Anyone else struggling with this?
I constantly forget how to spell common words, struggle to recall basic words I’ve always known in sentences, lack confidence in basic grammar (this vs. which? affect vs. effect? of vs. for?), struggle to remember or learn new information. I sometimes blank for many seconds at a time not being able to think of a basic word or forgetting names I have known for ages. My writing has become awful, I have to think and strain my brain very hard to create proper sentences which make sense. I read the same sentence over and over, and sometimes my mind mixes up the order of words. I am confused easily and I forget everything.
All of this makes me feel stupid, inadequate, and useless. This effect is crippling to the degree that even IF I had NO other effects (and I have many other health problems), I am unsure if I’d be able to work/ advance in an academic capacity with this alone. My IQ prior to drug injury was within the top 1% and I never achieved less than A’s in school, so this is devastating. I went from qualifying as a genius to being a demented half-wit. It’s so depressing. I can’t go to grad school because of how mentally handicapped I am. This brain damage ruins my confidence more than anything else.