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Electro Sensitivity

Electro Sensitivity

My journey serving as a wake-up call: Health Disaster In the Name of Technological Progress?

It’s not too long ago since no such thing as intolerance to gluten or lactose was heard of…and it was nowhere to see gluten-free food on the shelf or GF symbol in the menu in restaurants. And just because this “intolerance” was not acknowledged, it did not mean it was not a health issue yet many suffered silently.

Now this is all repeating in our society when it comes to Electro Hyper Sensitivity (EHS) or in short Electro Sensitivity (ES). Technically this is an ‘environmental illness’, which means many people (including myself) experience debilitating neurological and immunological symptoms in the presence of man-made electromagnetic fields (EMFs).

There is wide range of symptoms from headaches, chest pain, dizziness, dry eyes, to cognitive dysfunction, vertigo, nerve tingling, numbness, gastrointestinal dysfunction, skin reaction, nausea, tinnitus, and joint pain… all worsening with degree and intensity of EMF exposure.

This Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) includes:

  • Radiofrequency radiation: from Wi-Fi routers & all wireless devices, cell towers, Bluetooth devices, smart meters &gadgets, etc.
  • Low-frequency electric fields: from unshielded electrical wiring and devices.
  • Magnetic fields: from power lines, home appliances, home wiring, and current running on a home’s grounding system.
  • Harmonics (commonly referred to as dirty electricity): These are frequencies other than our 60 hertz cycle generated by things like solar inverters, dimmer switches, florescent lighting, electronics (computers, TVs, radio), etc.

In essence, the technologies of the modern world, quite literally, HURT!

This is the sad truth most ES individuals do not dare to talk about, fearful of being labelled crazy, or being socially marginalized and professionally ostracized. I know how hard it is.

Often ridiculed and considered an “odd character” I suffered the stigma silently and in deep sadness until I realized that this is not the solution… and I’ll fight the odds to make this experience known as a wake-up call to take action when we still have time to avoid the health disaster in the name of technological progress!

After searching desperately a way to deal with my condition, I was blessed to find immense amount of evidence from qualified health practitioners and scientists from all over the world. I found that it’s currently estimated that 3-5% of the world’s population is severely electrosensitive, with 30-50% moderately affected symptomatically. These numbers are predicted to rise significantly, as our world becomes more overrun with electro-smog pollution, given the evolution of smart homes, smart cities, and EVERYONE will get to suffer this Electrosensitivity very soon as the 5G technology will be a blanket of radiation, with no place on Earth to escape EMF.

There are thousands of peer-reviewed research studies by notable scientists and epidemiologists showing harmful biological effects from radiofrequency and other artificial EMFs. These biological effects, including DNA damage, oxidative stress, and breaks in the blood brain barrier, are all precursors to chronic disease and cancer. These effects occur at the microcellular, metabolic level, regardless of whether you presently feel sick or not.

The people with electrosensitivity are just the first to feel it thus they serve as “awakeners” and “change makers” while we still have time for a change!

More and more people are getting very sick from electro-pollution as we speak… Right now! Everywhere! In every country! These people are not just statistics to me. I know this because I’ve got in touch with many of them. From everywhere, people with ES have reached out to each other, in their own physical pain, scared, confused, displaced, traumatized, hopeless, helpless, lost…. and “homeless within their smart homes”.

I’m here to bring awareness…This is the truth: people with ES are getting evicted from their lives, losing friends, families, spouses, jobs, and homes. They are losing their livelihood, their hope, their safety, and their security. And with the global Wi-Fi rollout rapidly in both cities and rural areas, people are struggling to access places for basic needs: malls, medical facilities, office buildings, restaurants and cafes, educational institutions, libraries, and most public places.

We need to ask ourselves these questions:

01What is the point of having high-speed wi-fi connectivity if it makes us sick that we barely function?

02What is the point of having a smart phone and checking for “likes” if we get cancer?

I invite you to see the bigger picture…

If technology runs our life, we no longer do!

And if the evolution of technology overrides the evolution of humanity – we’ll have no place in the equation of LIFE!

Why don’t learn from our past mistakes?

It is time to admit that just like tobacco or asbestos, our wireless technologies might be highly toxic to our complex, bioelectrical bodies. That this could be the very reason we are seeing an unprecedented rise in chronic illness and neuro-degenerative disorders.

Don’t get me wrong…I do not hate technology. In fact, I am grateful for how rapidly it shifted my awareness and also helped humanity evolve!

I am now nearly 49-years old. It was a time when I was fine with no major issues… and now I’m barely able to call myself a functional person.

Electrosensitivity is progressive if not properly addressed, so it didn’t take long for me to develop heart palpitations when stepping inside a generously providing Wi-Fi mall…or headaches from sitting in a Wi-Fi-ed Library… or ringing in my ears and dizziness from sitting in the waiting room in a medical centre where people around me were using the phone.

The truth is, many people don’t understand the extent of their condition, or the effects of wireless radiation. And that’s because it was not known and medical practitioners didn’t talk about it. The media didn’t warn about it.

In May 2016, I moved in a new house in this area. Not known to me, my new residence was in direct stream of at least 4 towers emitting 4G/4GX and some 5G recently! This was not something I could control or disable. Nor was I informed about it. I didn’t investigate, because I didn’t know about EMR dangers at that time!

Within first months after residing in the new house, I had body-wide tingling, twitching, and vertigo. By the end of the first year, I was in full neuro-immune-endocrine collapse. I had sharp pain inside my spine, shooting up into my brain; headache; nausea and tremors; my heart skipped beats every couple of seconds; my hands and feet were numb; I couldn’t walk in a straight line. I had abdominal pain and digestive problems with painful spasms; I had many nights with insomnia and struggled daily with cognitive dysfunction such that I couldn’t speak properly nor remember simple things.

This rapid degeneration affected my confidence badly and I hit depression to the point of contemplating suicide… This seemed unbelievable to people knowing me as a qualified educator in health, psychology and human behaviour studies…yet that’s the truth!

Everything was crumbling down in my life…Too sick to function; I relinquished all forms of activity that required commitment. At that time I was running yoga classes and workshops for meditation, health and nutrition. Gradually most of my social life got extremely limited and I could not go places because…

Electromagnetic fields are everywhere and our bodies are electrical beings.

But we as humans were never meant to evolve nor thrive in a soup of artificial frequencies that interrupt our bio-rhythms and disrupt our mitochondrial DNA patterns. And even though we can’t see any of this with the naked eye, some of us can now feel it. And it does not feel good.

However this is not as invisible as we’d like to imagine. It’s really a matter of paying attention, of reading the thousands of research papers on the biological effects of radiofrequency radiation and EMFs. It’s a matter of talking to the professionals such as: environmental medicine doctors, scientists, biochemists, physicists, building biologists and EMF experts. It’s a matter of starting a conversation about this…creating awareness and finding solutions together.

That’s why I am here now, part of this Information Meeting about 5G and Wi-Fi, on the quest to hold space for this fair conversation with the authorities in power…the chosen people to govern us in good health and wellbeing!

I take solace in knowing my loss and displacement serve a higher purpose, that my body can be a warning signal … that these new man-made frequencies and technologies do not resonate properly with the human body.

We need to step back and reconsider our relationship with our electromagnetic environment…and we have to invite our governors to apply the precautionary principle as soon as possible.

5G is a real threat to this nation…to the whole world.

I aim to make a change with my story, my research, and my experience, in the hope that people will start listening and taking action, asking the government to halt the deployment of 5G, thus setting an example of genuine care for its nation.

I hope that the medical community will get proper education about EHS …and that all those suffering will be nurtured with compassion while the humanity will act promptly to change the course of this Tech misleading promise to be smart. Let us be Smart!

Thank you!

For more information on EMF safety, please visit:

The Environmental Health Trust at:

EMF Analysis at:

And for practical solutions and support, visit these places: