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Prescription Drugs

Barbara Chose Prescription Drugs – And Destroyed Her Life

Barbara was a stunning example. Her radiant beauty, as well as her fierce intelligence, attracted all who came near her. A longtime “health nut”, she shared her views regularly online and with friends and family. She remained a wonderful example of the natural health lifestyle — until her 60s.

Barbara then made a catastrophic mistake. In a state of panic, she abandoned her long-held life principles, accepting a medical specialist’s prescription. She took the drug, and immediately almost died.

Barbara never recovered. Cancer spread to her uterus. She chose hysterectomy. And she began to use Hydrocortisone (a potent steroid) in daily ever-increasing quantities in a futile effort to feel better.

Over the years, Barbara became a degenerate drug addict. Her daily prescription drug intake increased enormously: amphetamines, more steroids, opioids, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, fluoroquinolones, antidepressants.

And, over the years, the devastating “side effects” of these prescription drugs became obvious to everyone: extreme anger, paranoia, delusions, hallucinations, incontinence, disordered thinking, memory loss, frontal lobe dementia, osteoporosis, bone fractures, extremely high blood pressure and heart rate, stroke, glaucoma, cataracts, blindness. She became chronically bed-ridden and needed continuous care.

Barbara’s ongoing bizarre, antagonistic behaviours drove all of her old friends and family away. Eventually, she was declared a ward of the state government — losing all personal and financial independence.

Barbara died of kidney failure, a toxic shell of her former self. Once a passionate, vivacious natural health advocate, she became an isolated, brain-damaged, addicted recluse. If only she had simply abstained from the drugs………
