Stopping Smoking? Try These Foods
As any smoker trying to quit knows, the process of giving up the habit isn’t always easy. Quitting “cold turkey” is virtually impossible, as the urge to light up lingers, and a return to the behavior after not too long is common. In fact, nicotine has been shown to be as addictive as heroin, reinforcing the fact that trying to quit is indeed challenging. Furthermore, trying methods that involve skin patches, e-cigarettes, pills and even hypnotherapy can be costly, harmful to health or ineffective.
However, there are certain foods that can naturally keep the urge to smoke at bay, while also helping to heal the damage that’s taken place in a smoker’s body.
Because smoking dulls taste buds, a person in the process of quitting has a newfound appreciation for the taste of foods. For this reason, as well as the tendency to fulfil the hand-to-mouth habit, weight gain is common among people trying quit. Rather than reaching for processed junk foods like chips that lead to weight gain and fill the body with toxins, choose ones that are just as flavorful but significantly healthier.
Carrots, soaked nuts, celery and grapes are all ideal foods that not only satisfy smokers’ cravings but provide the body with necessary physical and emotional health benefits as it starts repairing itself. For example, nuts contain serotonin, known to boost the mood and help fight depression, a feeling that many smokers experience upon quitting.
Avoid alcohol, sugary foods and spices, as they are known to intensify the urge to smoke.
Be sure to drink plenty of water and fill up on lots of fruits and vegetables.
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