Skin Brushing and the Lymphatic System
Is skin brushing all it`s said to be? What is it anyway? Well, the idea is that you use a bristly brush, made of natural fibers, to brush dry skin in order to boost circulation, rid the body of toxins, and remove dead skin from the surface. The result is healthier skin with more vitality and less toxins in the body.
One of the main benefits of skin brushing is that it stimulates the lymphatic system which is a network of lymph fluid within the body. The lymph system has several functions, and its correct working is very important to the health of the body. One of its functions is protection against invading disease and micro-organisms. Another important function is absorbing fat and fat soluble vitamins from the digestive system and the transport of those nutrients to where they need to go in the body. It`s a great system, with one slight drawback; it doesn`t have its own pump, and so, the movement of the lymph through the lymph system is dependent on good breathing and circulation. This is where skin brushing comes in. Brushing the body with a brush of natural fibers, from the extremities (the legs and arms) towards the heart, boosts what may be an otherwise sluggish flow of lymph. This makes the entire system function so much better.
Having a lymph system which functions well will increase the quality of not only your health, but also your appearance. Cellulite is, in part, caused by a build up of toxins in the blood, which a good lymph system will help to eliminate. Also, skin brushing gets rid of dead cells from the surface of the skin, while preserving the natural oils in your skin . So, it`s a natural way to get healthier skin.
Skin brushing is a cheap and easy technique which requires only a few minutes daily. Make sure you buy a brush with natural fibers, so as not to irritate the skin. Start a ritual of skin brushing before your shower each day. The idea is to brush hard enough to create slightly flushed skin, but not so hard as to cause pain or irritation. Start with your feet, brushing up towards your knees, and traveling on upwards until you`ve done both legs. Then work from the hands, up the arms, towards the heart. Finally, brush the torso, using strokes in the direction of the heart. Within a few days you`ll start to notice a difference in the quality of your skin.
About the author
Matt Monarch has been on a 100% Raw Vegan Diet since 1999; he eats only raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and seaweeds. He is currently the owner of three different health-promoting websites.
In partnership with Raw Food Pioneer and Nutritionist Dr. Fred Bisci, Matt has co-created www.TheRawFoodWorld.com, which sells support tools to help people live free of degenerative disease. Matt’s other websites are www.RawSpirit.org and www.LivingNutritionals.com.
After eight years eating a 100% Raw Food Diet, Matt has written two books on the subject – Raw Spirit, and Raw Success. In recent years he has spent much of his time touring the United States, presenting well over 200 Raw Food Lectures. He is widely sought out as a speaker and gives talks worldwide on how to live a healthier lifestyle.
Matt has appeared as a key speaker at events including The Raw Spirit Festival and many other festivals and expos. He was featured in a Raw Food TV Spot that aired over 15 times on Al Gore’s TV Network, Current TV. This TV spot can be viewed at www.RawSpirit.org. As 6-year owner of The Raw Food World and Living Nutritionals, he is well versed in people’s needs and concerns about health.