Restaurant Owners Choose Vitamix
Six years ago I opened Franktuary, a restaurant in downtown Pittsburgh, and bought two VitaMixes. Little did I know the significance of that decision at the time. When I first became a VitaMix owner, I remember thinking, “I must be crazy to spend this much on a... read more
You Can Do Anything!
I feel so fortunate to work at a place as wonderful as VitaMix. We’re one big family in a loving, caring, and supportive environment. In August 2008, one of the gals in our department was diagnosed with breast cancer, and the news was not good. She went through... read more
Good Nutrition (Leukemia)
I was diagnosed with leukemia ten years ago this month, have been on three clinical drug trials, and have had all of the approved new CML drugs. Unfortunately, even cutting-edge drugs never put me into remission. My bone marrow is regularly tested, with three... read more
I Love My Vitamix!
I love my VitaMix. I’ve used it for years. I am blend crazy and nothing blends, mixes, or purees like my VitaMix. I make soups, smoothies, and green drinks daily and I make fruit sauces for my gluten-free waffles. I am on a mission to figure out ways for... read more