Wonderful Sunlight
Sunlight Helps Kill Pain In a 2005 study , patients staying on the well-lit side of their hospital unit, thereby receiving about 46 percent greater sunlight exposure, experienced less perceived stress, took 22 percent less analgesic medication hourly, and incurred 21... read more
Low Vitamin D Raises Blood Pressure
Vitamin D deficiency may triple a person’s risk of high blood pressure, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Michigan School of Public Health. “Our results indicate that early vitamin D deficiency may increase the long-term... read more
Kids Need Vitamin D
Love your baby or grandchild? Do the little rugrat a favor – take him/her outside. Two new studies show that children are deficient in vitamin D the moment they’re born, and it only gets worse from there. One study in “Pediatrics” finds up to 58% of... read more
Vitamin D Deficiency and Overweight
A new study published in the Journal of Nutrition indicates that the overweight can benefit from testing their vitamin D levels. Low levels of this vitamin are linked to heart disease, diabetes, and even some kinds of cancer. Researchers in Oslo, Norway measured... read more