Practical Keys to Living The Life of Your Dreams
What causes one person to succeed and another to fail? Why does one person become rich, while another person seems doomed to a life of poverty? Is it due to where they were born, or the social status of their parents, or the academic education they received? Yes,... read more
7 Most Motivational Quotes
01Our Deepest Fear”Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?... read more
Today’s Thought: You can’t experience victory if you refuse to surrender.
That surrender thing was (and sometimes still is) a hard thing for most to accept. I mean, how could I possibly win or succeed at something if I’m told to give up and surrender? I’ve always been taught that the things worth having were worth fighting for,... read more
4 Simple Ways to Make the Most of Your Day
Whether we like it or not, days bleed into one another and weeks slip by quickly. I hate the feeling of looking back on a month and thinking, Wait…Now what did I do again? Anything? One way to ease your mind that your days have been well spent is to focus less... read more