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Aug 5, 2012 | Magnesium
Perhaps you think I’m joking. Not at all. Whales are constantly immersed in seawater, which contains 1300 parts per million of magnesium. I must tell you about my whale watching adventure last week. The whales were everywhere, beside us, around us and under us,... read moreJul 31, 2012 | Health
Many don’t consider the calories that are added to foods through cooking. Frying or barbecuing with trans-fats can add 25 percent more calories on top of the ingredients alone. Recently scientists at the University of Florida studied lab rats over a span of... read moreJul 21, 2012 | Health
Dr. Sarah Brennan of Queen’s University Belfast found a direct relationship between those at risk of breast cancer and unhealthful diet. (A woman was deemed at risk if her mother or grandmother was diagnosed with the disease.) Those women who adopted diets rich... read moreJul 15, 2012 | Magnesium
Anxiety and Panic Attacks Magnesium (Mg) normally keeps adrenal stress hormones under control. Asthma Both histamine production and bronchial spasms increase with Mg deficiency. Blood Clots Mg has an important role to play in preventing blood clots and keeping the... read moreJul 10, 2012 | Health
You deserve the best new factory-fresh wheatgrass planting trays. From: Imported from USA. Made of: Heavy duty vinyl. Drainage: Proper drainage holes. Size: 460mm x 430mm x 50mm. Amount: PACK OF 10 TRAYS (Minimum Order) . Includes: FREE wheatgrass growing... read moreJul 8, 2012 | Magnesium
A deficiency in magnesium affects virtually every area of the body, and can cause headaches, backaches, muscle spasms, heart arrhythmia, high blood pressure, PMS, osteoporosis, kidney stones, insomnia, anxiety, depression, tingling and numbness in limbs and... read more