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Reasons to Meditate

Reasons to Meditate

In a study of health insurance statistics, meditators had 87% fewer hospitalizations for heart disease, 55% fewer for benign and malignant tumors, and 30% fewer for infectious diseases. The meditators had more than 50% fewer doctor visits than did non-meditators. (1)... read more
Does Marijuana Address Arthritis?

Does Marijuana Address Arthritis?

New findings confirm marijuana could be helpful for patients suffering from arthritis. Published in January 2014 in the journal Rheumatology, the study reveals more evidence of how marijuana fights inflammation of the joints. It seems to do this by activating pathways... read more
Cannabis: The Actual Plant Works Better

Cannabis: The Actual Plant Works Better

Have you wondered why we’re told to eat vegetables and a balanced diet, rather than just pop pills? The fact is, the real food we consume contains a great number of benefits that simply don’t act alone. In the 1960s, Raphael Mehoulam was a young graduate... read more
Synthetic Cannabis Can Kill You

Synthetic Cannabis Can Kill You

A new study of global drug use suggests legal, synthetic forms of cannabis could be far riskier than their natural counterpart. The 2014 Global Drug Survey (GDS) shows that using synthetic weed is thirty times more likely to land you in the emergency room compared to... read more
Six Surprising Facts About THC

Six Surprising Facts About THC

THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the primary ingredient in marijuana responsible for the high. But getting high is not all that it’s good for. THC also has a wide range of medical benefits, and is commonly reported to relieve pain, nausea, and depression, among... read more