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Magnesium and Heart Attack

Magnesium and Heart Attack

It’s estimated that more than 90% of adults are deficient in magnesium — at risk of sudden death from a heart attack and of developing diabetes. Hundreds of biochemical functions that drive energy metabolism and DNA repair are fuelled by magnesium. We... read more
Dangerous Osteoporosis Drugs

Dangerous Osteoporosis Drugs

In addition to being incompetent, it looks like the bureaucratic brains in charge of the US Food and Drug Administration are illiterate to boot. Studies have found that women who take bisphosphonate meds – drugs that are supposed to fight off osteoporosis – may... read more
Avoid Gluten

Avoid Gluten

Gluten is the common protein found in wheat, barley, oats, spelt, and rye. Gluten is a sticky, storage protein that when combined with water becomes `gluey.` In the digestive tract this reaction can lead to gluten binding to the small intestinal wall, where it can... read more
Coconut Oil and Diabetes

Coconut Oil and Diabetes

If you’re not mad for coconut oil, you should be. It’s taken a while, but mainstream research is finally starting to catch on to the health benefits of coconut oil – even if they still can’t quite put two and two together, as usual. But... read more
Magnesium and Children

Magnesium and Children

It’s not only adults who suffer from magnesium-deficient diets. Our children are also susceptible when their favorite foods are magnesium-deficient fast foods. Kids feel stressed from peer pressure, academic and athletic performance pressures, worries about body... read more
Hysterectomies and Lung Cancer

Hysterectomies and Lung Cancer

For years I’ve told you that the link between smoking and cancer has been exaggerated, and I’m not surprised to see that there’s another danger factor here that’s got nothing to do with lighting up. Researchers at the University of Montreal... read more