Dance on a Safe Dance Floor
The floors that you dance on indoors need to be sprung, semi-sprung or cushioned—and, if possible, specifically designed for dance. Even in the short-term, dancing or exercising on concrete floors will potentially cause injury, pain and/or irreversible damage to not... read more
Mobile Phone Safety for Your Children and Grandchildren
Is it time for ‘the chat’ with your youngster or teenager? No, not that one. The one about how to use a phone, tablet, laptop and all wi-fi enabled devices safely. Technology is a major part of our children’s lives. Whether it’s online learning in the classroom, the... read more
Are You Fit for a Relationship?
When runners crumple from exhaustion midway through a marathon, do we blame luck or fitness? When the heavily favored basketball team loses to the underdog, is it chance or effort? So why is it any different in romance? These questions put relationships into... read more